本试验以不结球白菜(Brassica campestris L.ssp.chinensis(L.)Makino)为材料,对不同地区的26个主栽品种和杂种一代在自然和人工条件下的抗冻性进行测定,探索抗冻性的鉴定技术及其相关性状。结果表明,不结球白菜的抗冻性与地理起源和发育特性有关,华南品种抗冻性较弱,华北品种及生育期晚的品种抗冻性较强。不同类型的不结球白菜中,菜薹类(var.tsai-tai Hort.)的抗冻性较弱,薹菜类(var.tai-tsai Hort。)的抗冻性较强。杂种一代受冻后恢复能力较强。低温锻炼后叶片中可溶性糖含量与抗冻性呈正相关。不结球白菜的抗冻性鉴定宜将测定低温致死温度和田间抗冻性试验相结合。杂种优势利用是不结球白菜抗冻育种的有效途径之一。
Non-heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis (L. ) Makino) was used as experimental materials in this research. Freezing tolerance of 26 cultivars and F1 hybrids, which distributed in different parts of China, was evaluated both under natural and artifici-ally-controlled conditions. Following results were obtained. Freezing tolerance was related to geographical distributions and developmental characteristics of cultivars. In general, cultivars distributed in North China were hardier than those in Sorth China. Late-bolting cultvars were hardier than early-bolting ones. Among various types of non-hea-ding Chinese cabbage Tsai-Tai type ( var. tsai-tai Hort. ) was the most sensitive and Tai-Tsai type ( var. tai-tsai Hort. ) was the hardiest. Great recovery ability after frost damage was observed in F1 hybrids. After cold acclimation contents of soluble sugar in leaves were positive-ly correlated with freezing tolerance. The suitable technique for measu-ring freezing tolerance is to combine freezing killing temperature with field performance. Utilization of F1 hybrids is one of the effective ways in breeding for freezing tolerance.
Acta Horticulturae Sinica