
不同施肥结构的增产效应和对小麦籽粒品质的影响 被引量:13

Effect of Different Fertilizer Structure on the Yield of Wheat and Maize and the Quality of Wheat
摘要 13年的定位监测研究结果表明,不同施肥结构对小麦、玉米两熟制轮作的年产量影响明显,各处理总的产量趋势是:MNPK>MNP>MN>NPK>NP>M>N>ck。基础地力的产量效应为37.9%,肥料的增产效应为62.1%;肥料增产效应中,化肥占75.8%,有机肥占24.2%,显示出化肥为主要增产途径;在化肥的增产效应中,N的增产效应为70.6%,P为23.5%,K为5.9%;以MNPK处理的产量和小麦籽粒蛋白质含量最高,这说明有机肥与无机肥配合施用,可使作物高产优质,土壤有机质含量得到提高。 Through 13 years' field monitoring location experiment the contribution of fertilizers to crop yield in the different fertilization system and the effect of fertilizers on the quality of wheat were studied. The results: indicated that fertilization structure affected greatly on crop yields. Under the rotation system of wheat and maize, the general trend was MNPK>MNP> MN>NPK>NP>N>M>ck. The contribution rate of basic soil fertility to yield was 37. 9%, and the rest came from fertilizers applied. Using chemical fertilizers was a major measure for high crop yield and its contribution accounted for 75. 8% of the total contribution of fertilizers applied. The contribution Percentage of N, P and K was 70. 6. 23. 5 and 5. 9, respectively. The highest yield and protein content of wheat grain was obtained by the treatment of MNK. This indicated that the combined application of chemical fertilizer and organic manure, the yields and qualities of crops will be higher and better. Meanwhile, the content of organic matter in soil can be incresced.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1995年第2期100-105,共6页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
关键词 施肥结构 定位试验 小麦 玉米 轮作 增产效应 Fertilizer structure Location experiment Rotation of wheat and maize Yield contribution Organic manure Chemical fertilizer
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