
水质降氟净化剂的研制和应用 被引量:1

Study and Application of Fluorine Decreasing Purification Agent on Water Quality
摘要 水质降氟净化剂利用天然沸石、二氯异氰尿酸钠、激活剂等原料,经理化处理配制成粉末状药剂。直接投放于水中即可降氟、杀菌和改善水质,使水中的氟离子和菌类数符合国家饮用水标准。 The fluorine decreasing purification agent was a powdery agent made of Zeolite,sodium dichloroisocynurate, activator etc by dealing with physical and chemical method.Put directly into water, it could decrease Fluorine. Sterilize improve water quality,and so the numbers of Fluorine ion and kinds of accord with National Standard (GB) for Drinking Water.
出处 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 1995年第1期25-26,共2页 Journal of Environment and Health
关键词 水质降氟 沸石 净化 净化剂 饮用水 Fiuorin decreasing Water qulity zeolitc Purification
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