
血管化组织工程肝小块构建的研究 被引量:4

Construction of liver histioids by tissue-engineering method
摘要 目的利用组织工程方法和原理初步构建血管化肝小块组织。方法肝细胞和肝窦内皮细胞取自小鼠肝脏。采用内管网高分子聚酯类聚合物(PLGA)材料作为支架。肝窦内皮细胞接种在内管网PLGA支架管道的内壁使之在体外预内皮化。肝细胞与纤维蛋白原混合制成肝细胞/纤维蛋白原混合液,接种在喷洒有凝血酶的预内皮化的内管网支架上。构建的复合物分别植于小鼠肠系膜部位(A组)和肝组织表面(B组),2周后将支架取出观察,比较不同部位的植入效果。结果支架体外预血管化后,其管道内可见内皮细胞均匀贴壁;体内植入后内皮细胞优势生长;A组小鼠肠系膜间支架中有血管长入,但未见有肝细胞留存;B组可见支架内有少量肝细胞团,并有血管长入。结论简易PLGA内管网多孔支架可以用于肝组织小块的构建,而肝组织表面更适合组织工程肝小块的体内植入。 Objective To construct histioid liver on prevascularized scaffolds by tissue engineering method. Methods Hepatocytes and sinusoidal endothelial (SE) cells were harvested from mouse liver.PLGA inner tube array was used as scaffold. The inner tube sides of PLGA scaffold were inoculated with SE cells for prevascularization. Hepatocytes mixed with fibrin gel were seeded onto PLGA scaffold of prevascularization. The scaffold-cells were implanted at mesentery (A group) and on the surface of the liver(B group), respectively. After 2 weeks, the implants were taken out for observation and comparison. Resuits After prevascularization, SE cells were well attached on the inner side of scaffolds. Microvessel could be observed, but no obvious liver tissue was observed in the scaffold of A group. However, on the scaffold of B group, neo-tissue with hepatocytes and microvessels were observed. Conclusion The PLGA after prevascularization is a good simple scaffold model for histioid liver construction. The surface of liver is more favorable for scaffold implantation than mesenterv when constructing histioid liver in vivo.
出处 《中华实验外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第8期907-909,i0001,共4页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery
基金 军队医药卫生科研基金"十五"计划面上项目(01MB084)
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