Abstract Bama Xiang pigs originated in Bama County,Guangxi Province possessedgreat heat resistence in the subtropical enviroments which reflected in the following re-spects:a)Bama Xiang pigs have a miniature body type which makes heat exchange more of-fective. b)Compared to crossbred pigs BaMa xiang pigs had a lower body temperature,low-er respiration rate and lower heart rate when placed in a 30℃ enviroment.c)With in creasing enviromental temperature the physiological parameters changed less and most of these parameters trended to be lower in Bama xiang pig than in cross-bred except that the former had higher hemoglobin content than the latter. d)Lower content of serum tryroxine in Bama Xiang pig is one of the main reasons for the greater heat resistence of animal.
Ecology of Domestic Animal