
略论中国古代典妻婚俗及其产生根源 被引量:7

On the Marriage Custom of Pawning Wife in Ancient China and the Root Cause of Its Occurrence
摘要 典妻婚俗像一面多棱镜,经历千百年的历史传承和文化整合,折射出不同时代、不同区域、不同社会群体对民间婚姻文化所赋予的不同理念。通过对典妻婚俗这一民俗事象的寻根溯源和剖析论述,可以窥视到历史文化、政治经济及社会发展等诸多因素对中国婚俗的影响,并力图为典妻婚这一中国特有的婚姻形式从其产生、发展到衰落做出系统的解析和科学的论断。 Like a prism, and through hundreds and thousands of years of historic development and cultural integration, the marriage custom of pawning wife reflects the various social group's notion of the folk marriage customs in different times and regions. Probing into the root cause of this phenomenon, we can find the affect of historic culture, politics and economy, and social development towards the marriage customs in China. It will also help to conduct a systematic interpretation and scientific judgment of its occurrence, development and declination
作者 徐海燕
出处 《沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第4期77-81,共5页 Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 典妻婚俗 典雇 质卖 女性地位 the marriage custom of pawning wife, pawn, sell, female status
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  • 1(宋)李焘.续资治通鉴长编[M]中华书局,1985.




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