
虚拟装配技术的研究进展及发展趋势分析 被引量:72

Analysis on Recent Study Progresses and Trends of Virtual Assembly Technology
摘要 虚拟装配技术是虚拟现实技术在设计与制造领域的重要应用之一,已经引起工业界和研究机构越来越广泛的重视。在阐述虚拟装配技术的定义与内涵的基础上,界定了虚拟装配技术的研究内容,综述了国外的研究现状,并对国内外发展状况进行简要对比分析,指出了目前虚拟装配技术研究中存在的问题以及主要发展趋势。 Virtual Assembly, which is a key technology of Virtual Product Development (VPD),is a promising application of virtual reality in design and manufacturing and has drawn much attentions from industries and research institutes. Virtual assembly realizes two level mapping. The bottom level mapping is from product physical model to product digital model and the top level mapping is from real physical assembly process to virtual assembly simulation process. Based on the definitions and connotations of virtual assembly, the research scope of virtual assembly was given. A comprehensive survey of the recent researches on virtual assembly was presented. A brief comparative analysis between foreign and domestic study progresses was given. The future research trends were presented and analyzed.
作者 宁汝新 郑轶
机构地区 北京理工大学
出处 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第15期1398-1404,共7页 China Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50475162) "十五"总装预先研究资助项目(41318.1.1.2)
关键词 虚拟装配 装配工艺规划 装配过程仿真 虚拟现实 virtual assembly assembly process planning assembly process simulation virtual reality
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