
关于我国政府对重大突发事件管理现状的问卷调查与分析 被引量:21

Analysis on Questionnaire Investigation of the Current Government Management Status during Severe Accidental Emergency in China
摘要 在对我国的6个大中城市涉及重大突发事件的相关部门进行了问卷调查与访谈的基础上,通过对263份有效问卷的统计数据处理,笔者分析了被调查者对重大突发事件的基本认识、现有的重大突发事件政府管理现状、我国重大突发事件政府管理中存在的问题。从中得到了重大突发事件自身的发展有其一定的规律性、对社会的影响的主要原因、我国重大突发事件政府管理模式的基本现状和存在的问题,并指出了必须针对重大突发事件的发展规律,提高政府对现有的重大突发事件管理效率,构建相应的政府预警管理模式。最后,提出了我国政府对重大突发事件管理模式的改进意见,期望政府能对重大突发事件管理模式的构建有所参考和启示。 Qaestionnaire and interview investigations were carried out in relevant departments of 6 big and medium size cities involved in severe accidental emergency. Data from 263 valid questionnaires ware statistically processed. Basic understanding of the severe accidental emergency , current govemment status and problems existed in govemment were analyzed. The results showed that the development of severe accidental emergency has its own regularity. The main social impact and current mode of management and problems were also shown . It is indicated that the management efficiency of the govermment must be further raised referring to the regularity of the emergency, and alerting system must be established by the govemment. Finally, how to improve the mode of govemment management is suggested, hoping it will be helpful to the govemment .
出处 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 2005年第7期16-20,30,共6页 China Safety Science Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金(04CZZ016)。
关键词 中国 重大突发事件 问卷调查 政府管理 预警管理模式 安全管理 Severe accidental emergency Current management status Analysis of the questionnaire investigation Govemment's alerting system
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