The mechanism of commutation failure of DC-AC converter was studied and the theory of commutation failure prediction control module of Three Gorges-Guangdong HVDC system was analysed. The u0 detector of CFPREV acts very slowly upon crossing zero of AC voltage and under the condition of three-phase faults abc-αβ transformation detection has very limited improvement of commutation failure, a new method based on an idea of sin-cos components detector is presented to mitigate commutation failure in multi-infeed HVDC systems.This method predicts quickly ac faults in terms of two components on the rotational reference frame synchronized with the ac system frequency. After detecting the fault, an additional angle is deduced from the firing order at the inverter station, which in practice enlarges the commutation margin. A dual-infeed HVDC model based on PSCAD/EMTDC is built and the simulation results show that it is very effective in reducing the probability of commutation failure in MIDC.
Proceedings of the CSEE