
应用微卫星标记对12个中国地方乌骨鸡品种遗传多样性的研究 被引量:36

Analysis of the Genetic Diversity of 12 Chinese Indigenous Black-bone Chicken Breeds Using Microsatellite Marker
摘要 利用27个微卫星DNA标记对12个地方乌骨鸡品种进行遗传多样性分析,通过计算等位基因频率、多态信息含量、杂合度、有效等位基因数和遗传距离,评估各品种内遗传变异和各品种间遗传相关,并根据遗传距离对12个鸡品种进行了聚类分析。结果表明,各乌骨鸡群体的遗传多样性较为丰富,并具有较高的选择潜力。平均杂合度最高的是竹乡鸡,为0.670;最低的是江山乌骨鸡,为0.581。27个微卫星标记中4个为中度多态座位,1个低度多态座位,22个为高度多态座位;LEI0234与LEI0192分别检测到了10.3与12.2个等位基因。以标准遗传距离为准,遗传距离最近的为沐川乌骨鸡与略阳鸡,为0.1002,而乌蒙乌骨鸡与略阳鸡最远,为0.2546。通过UPG-MA法聚类后,略阳鸡、沐川乌骨鸡、兴文乌骨鸡、盐津乌骨鸡、竹乡鸡首先聚为1类,江山乌骨鸡、郧阳白羽乌鸡、余干乌骨鸡聚为1类;金湖乌凤鸡、丝绒乌骨鸡和丝毛乌骨鸡聚为第3类;乌蒙乌骨鸡独为一类。 The genetic polymorphisms of 27 microsatellite loci in 12 Chinese native black-bone chicken breeds were analysed, allele frequency, polymorphism information content (PIC), heterozygosity (H), number of effective alleles and genetic distance were calculated to evaluate the genetic relationships in each breed and among breeds. A dendrogram was obtained based on genetic distances. The results showed that the genetic diversity of each breed was very rich and was of high selective potency. The average heterozygosity of the Zhuxiang chicken is 0. 670 that was the highest, and that of the Jiangshan chicken is 0. 581 that was the lowest. Among 27 microsatellite loci, there were 22 highly polymorphic loci, 4 mediatelypoly morphic loci, 1 lowly polymorphic loci. 10.3 and 12.2 alleles were detected respectively using LEI0234 and LEI0192. By standard genetic distance,the distance between Muchuan Silky and Lueyang chicken was the closest that was 0. 100 2, the distance between Wumeng Silky and Lueyang chicken was the farthest that was 0. 254 6. In the UPGMA tree,the 12 Chinese native black-bone chicken breeds were clustered into 4 groups. The first group included Lueyang chicken, Mucuan Silky, Xingwen Silky, Yanjin Silky and Zhuxiang chicken,The second group included Jiangshan Silky, Xunyang Silky and Yugan Silky; The third group included Jinhu Silky, Silky, Velutinate Silky; and the forth group included Wumeng Silky.
出处 《畜牧兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第8期755-760,共6页 ACTA VETERINARIA ET ZOOTECHNICA SINICA
基金 "863"国家高技术研究发展计划(2001AA243081)
关键词 乌骨鸡 微卫星 遗传多样性 聚类分析 Silky chicken microsatellitel genetic diversity dendrogram
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