Objective To perfect Free Health Education Prescriptions (FHEPs) and evaluate its necessity and feasibility. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among 398 outpatients and their accompanying famnily members before the practice of presenting free health education prescriptions by ramadom sampling and successive 549 outpatients and their accompanying family members who asked for FHEPs during the period of April to May 2004. Results Before the presentation of FHEPs, 97.74% (389) of outpatients felt agitated, 92.21% (367) of outpatients complained of lack of reading materials, and 97.99% (390) of outpatients approved the practice; after tiffs practice, 37.70% (287) of outpatients felt agitated, 9.47% (52) of outpatients complained of lack of reading materials, and 98.18% (539) of outpatients expressed their approvals. Most respondents confirmed the fomrs and contents of FHEPs. Conclusion It is desirable to distribute FHEPs in hospitals. The form of printed sponsoring enterprises on FHEPs is accepted by the majority of the outpatients. The overwhelming majority showed sensible attitudes to the pharmaceutical advertisements on FHEPs.
Chinese Preventive Medicine