Abstract Invasive ultrasonography is a new technique with puncture for qualitative diagnosis or /and therapy based on real-time ultrasound.It has high successful rate,less complications,is less traumatic and could be repealed.It is an relatively safe.reliable diagnostic and therapealic method,which is of practical value in the obstetrics and gynecology.Ultrasound guided puncture per vagina has open up a new way for foe application of invasive ultrasonography.Invasive ultrasonography was first used in amniocentesis in 9-12 weeks of gestation:more and pure villus sample could be acquired through abdominal or vaginal puncture; blood sampling and transfusion has been widely practised through cordocentesis. Fetal biopsy and intrauterine drainage are also practised.In gynecology Cysts like endometroid cyst and pelvic peritoneal cyst could be diagnosed and treated with punclure;uncture and injection of drug in unruptured tubal pregnancy and uterine comeal pregnancy is effective and reliable;diagnostic puncture is also practised in ovarian tumor,but its therapeutic value is still contraversial.Ultrasound guided puncture and egg picking in follicules has advanced to intrafollicular fertilization and intraabdominal fertilization.