
对称量子阱中电子─界面声子相互作用对极化子性质的影响 被引量:4

Effect of Electron-Interface-Phonon Interactions on Polaron's Properties in Symmetric Quantum Well
摘要 采用Haga方法,对量子阱中极化子的有效质量和自陷能进行了研究。考虑到量子阱中电子波函数的束缚和界面声子的影响,计算了不同支声子与电子相互作用对自陷能的贡献,讨论了极化子的有效质量和自陷能随量子阱宽度的变化关系,进一步说明了量子阱的尺度和界面声子的重要性。 The effective mass and the self-trapping energy of the polaron in symmetric quantum well arestudied by means of Haga's method. In consideration of the confinement of the wave function ofan electron in quantum well and the effect of the interface phonon on the electron,the contribu-tion of various branches of phonons interacting with the electron on polaron's self-trapping ener-gy is calculated the change of the effective mass and the self-trapping energy of polaron changingwith the well's width is discussed. Moreover, the size effect of the quantum well and the impor-tance of the interface phonon are shown.
机构地区 中科院物理所
出处 《内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 1995年第3期270-279,共10页 Journal of Inner Mongolia University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 量子阱 界面声子 电子 相互作用 极化子 半导体 quantum well interface phonons self-trapping energy effective mass
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