

Analyticl Treatment of Nonuniform Multiconductor Transmission Lines
摘要 本文对复杂系统电磁兼容性(EMC)设计的主要问题之一——传导干扰进行了研究,提出了非均匀多股传输线的数学模型,某些结论具有实际意义. ln this paper,we analytically study a certain class of nonuniform muIticonductortransmission lines(NMTL).This class of lines is described by circulant impedance and admit-tance matrices. Due to the properties of circulant impedance and admittance matrices,it isshown that the NMTL equations can be simuItaneously diagonalized with the aid of the posi-tion-independent so-called Fourier matrix. By the same token we apply our methods to adiverging pair of conductors above a perfectly conducting plane. Some resuIts are significantand important.
出处 《宁夏工学院学报(自然科学版)》 1995年第1期7-16,共10页
关键词 电磁兼容 传导干扰 传输线 非均匀传输线 EMC Conductubg lmpandence NMTL
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