
循环流化床煤燃烧过程中N_2O/NOx的排放研究 被引量:3

An Investigation on the Emissions of N_2O/NOx During the Process of Circulating Fluidized Bed Coal Combustion
摘要 在一个循环流化床热态试验台上.研究了煤燃烧过程中氮氧化物(NOx和N2O)的生成过程.测试了其沿床层高度方向的浓度变化.试验发现,沿炉膛向上,N2O浓度不断增加而NOx迅速减少,在炉膛出口处N2O达到最大值,且排放量远大于BFB。作者对其原因进行了分析,同时研究了运行参数对N2O及NOx排放的影响。 On a circulating fluidized bed hto state test rig and investigtion has been conducted of the generation during coal combustion of nitrogen oxides(inclmding N2O and NOx)with the variation of their concentration along the bed belght being measured.Ithas been found through tests that there emerged a continuous increase in N2Oand a drastic decsrease in NOx with the incrcase in furnace height. The N2O attained a maximum vlue at the furnace outlet with a dramatle increase in emissions. The authots have analysed the undrlying causes of such phenomena and also studied the effect of operating paratneters on N2O and NOr emissions.
机构地区 华中理工大学
出处 《热能动力工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第6期375-380,共6页 Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy and Power
关键词 循环流化床 燃烧 氮氧化物 流化床锅炉 circulating fluidized bed.coal burning,nitrogen oxides
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