

Speeding up the development of the Jinshajiang river is a strategic choice to balance energy
摘要 金沙江水能资源十分丰富,具有良好的地质、交通条件,淹没损失小,前期费用和建设费用较省。加速其开发,实现西电东送,必然促进华南、华东、华中等缺能地区的经济发展,具有广泛的社会效益和巨大的经济效益,是我国21世纪初一次能源平衡的战略选择。为此,建议应尽快成立领导机构,组建股份有限公司,走负债经营、以电养电、滚动开发的路子,并呼吁国家对水电开发给足政策。 The Jinshajiang river is abundant in water energy,with excellent geologic and transportation conditions,small inundation losses,and low project preparation and construction cost. Speeding up the pace of its development and realizing the transfer of electric power form West to East will promote the economic development in East China,South China,and Mid China,which suffer energy shortage. This has a broad social benefits and signincant economic benefits,and is a strategic choice of energy balance in the early of the 21st century. Therefore,it is suggested to establish a leading organization and to set up limited stock company operated under loaning and developed by power generation in order to form a rolling development mode. It is appealed for the government to provide more preferential policies for hydropower.
作者 王尊相
出处 《水力发电》 北大核心 1995年第6期34-37,共4页 Water Power
关键词 金沙江 水能资源 西电东送 能源结构 开发 Jinshajiang,transfer power from West to East,energy structure,rolling development of river basin,limited stock company
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