rom 1989 to 1992,nine cases of single um-bilical artery were found out of 238
placentasexamined in our department. The incidencewas 3. 78%. The characteristics of
fetuseswith single umbilical artery were high mortali-ty and teratogenicity. Eight of these 9
hadvarious kinds of malformation, (88. 9 %) : sev-en were death, (mortality 77. 8%) The
inci-dence of single umbilical artery, the cause ofits formation, and its correlation with
fetalmalformation are discussed. We consideredthat single umbiliecal artery was an
importantfactor to cause fetal malforrnation, but it alsoprobably was one of the congenital
malforma-tion which happened at the same time.Whether the fetus with single umbilical
arterywas accompanied by malforiliation also relatedto the individual difference of the
parturientand environnient. In view of the close relation-ship between single umbilical artery
and fetalmalformation,we suggest that the health pro-tection of the first trimester of pregnancy
andthe perinatal examination must be strength-ened. In order to instruct the obstericians
todiagnoses congenital malformation , or provideleads for some-recessive hereditary
malformation in time ,it isnecessary to find out the fetuses with singleumbilical artery as early
as possible, and it iswell for aristogenesis.
Railway Medical Journal
umbilical artery fetus con-genital