
1921例眼眶肿瘤的组织病理分类 被引量:10

Histopathologic Classification of 1921 Orbital Tumors
摘要 目的:对本院收检的1921例眼眶肿瘤进行组织病理分类,对有代表性的肿瘤,容易误诊的肿瘤及眼眶的罕见肿瘤进行讨论。方法:对本文包括的所有病例及病理切片进行复查,疑难及争议病例进行讨论,并采用特殊染色,免疫组化等手段加以证实。结果:恶性肿瘤的前5位:泪腺恶性肿瘤138例(32%),泪囊恶性肿瘤112例(26%),横纹肌肉瘤65例(15%),淋巴肉瘤56例(13%),血管外皮肉瘤31例(7%)。良性肿瘤前5位为:窦性血管瘤411例(36%0,皮样囊肿152例(13%),泪腺良性混合瘤150例(13%),炎性假瘤129例(11%),神经鞘瘤92例(8%)。眼眶罕见肿瘤有腺泡型软组织肉瘤,软骨肉瘤,色素性视网膜原基瘤,内胚窦癌等。结论:本文对眼眶肿瘤的组织病理分类,比较完善地反映了各类肿瘤在眼眶的发病情况。眼科学报 1995;11:101—104。 Purpose: The retrospective study is undertaken to determine the histopathologic types of space-occupying lesions of the orbit in 1921 cases examined between 1953-1992 at the Eye Pathology Laboratory of Shanghai Medical University. Methods: The authors reviewed old diagnostic pathologic slides on file including HE stain as well as special stains, if available, for all the indeterminate cases. Newly prepared immunohistochemical stains are made for the controversial cases to help diagnosis. Some slides are discussed and diagnosed by Pathology Slide Meeting of the Shanghai Surgical Pathology Society. Cases with diagnosis not a-greed upon by the pathology meeting are excluded from this stuldy. Results: The 5 leading malignant orbital tumors are malignant lacrimal gland tumors (138 cases, 32%), malignant lacrimal sac tumors (112 cases, 26%), rhab-domyosarcomas (65 cases, 15%), lymphosarcomas (56 cases, 13%), and malignant hemangiopericytomas (31 cases, 7%). The 5 leading benign orbital tumors are cavernous hemangionas (411 cases, 36%), dermoid cysts (152 cases, 13%), benign mixed tumors (150 cases, 13%), inflammatory pseudotumosr (129 cases, 11%), and schwannomas (92 cases, 8%). Rare tumors of the orbit include alveolar soft tissue sarcoma, chondrosarcoma, mesenchymal chondrosarcoma, syn-ovial sarcoma, giant cell tumor, granular myoblastoma, yolk sac tumor, and retinal anlage tumor.Conclusion: This study, in agreement with other reports of the statics study of the orbital tumors demonstrates the prevalence of hemangiomas, lacrimal gland tumors and lymphoid pseudo-tumors to be the common space-occupying lesions in the orbit. Some rare tumors are discussed. Eye Science 1995; 11: 101-104.
作者 倪逴 马小葵
出处 《眼科学报》 1995年第2期101-104,共4页 Eye Science
关键词 眼眶肿瘤 泪腺肿瘤 血管瘤 病理学 orbit lacrimal gland tumors space-occupying lesions
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