
杉木、火力楠纯林及混交林细根周转的研究 被引量:113

Turnover of fine roots in pure and mixed Cunninghamia lanceolata and Michelia macclurei forests
摘要 系统研究了杉木、火力楠纯林及混交林细根生物量、生产力及年周转率.结果表明,杉木、火力楠纯林及混交林活细根生物量分别为880、3035和1560kg·ha-1;死细根生物量为235、398和565kg·ha-1;细根年周转率为1.29、1.42和1.40;年生产量为1137、4318和2179ha·ha-1,年死亡量为497、595和1149kg·ha-1,分别相当于林分枯枝落叶年凋落量的36.8、21.6和65.9%.可见混交林比纯林更具较高生产力和良好的生态协调性. Studies on biomass, productivity and annual turnover of fine roots in pure and mixed C.lanceolata and M. macclurei forests show that the biomass of living fine roots in threestands of pure and mixed forests is respectively 880, 3035 and 1560 kg·ha-1, and that ofdead ones is 235, 398 and 565kg·ha-1, respectively. The annual turnover of fine roots is1. 29, 1. 42 and 1. 40, their annual productivity is 1137, 4318 and 2179 kg·ha-1, and annual mortality is 497, 595 and 1149 kg·ha-1, corresponding to 36. 8. 21. 6 and 65. 9% ofannual litter fall in each stand. It is concluded that mixed plantation has a higher productivity and better ecological coordination than pure stand.
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 1995年第1期7-10,共4页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 细根 细根周转 杉木 火力楠 纯林 混交林 Fine root, Biomass, Productivity, Turnover of fine roots.
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