
两个早熟大粒鲜食葡萄新品种 被引量:4

Two Early-ripening Large-berried New Cultivars of Table Grapes
摘要 两个早熟大粒鲜食葡萄新品种杨美容,张映祝,陈振邦,黎盛臣(中国科学院植物研究所北京植物园,北京100093)关键词葡萄,早熟大粒,新品种全世界约有葡萄品种8000多个,其中优良早熟大粒鲜食品种却很少。中国科学院植物研究所北京植物园葡萄课题组从1960... newly-bred early-ripening table grapes with large berries-'Jingyu' and' Jingya' are presented.' Jingyu' is a hybrid cultivar derived from 'Italia' ×'Queen of the Vineyard'and therefore is of Eurasian origin. The fruit cluster is conical, weighing 684.7g on the average.Theberry is greenish yellow, weighs 6.5g on the average, has thick and crisp flesh, is of superior quality, with 13% ~16% soluble solid content and 0.48%~0.55% acid content. The fruit ripens in early August in Beding. It has medium resistance to diseases and high productivity.'Jingya' is a selection from the seedlings of 'Black Olympia'and therefore is ofEuropean-American hybrid origin. The fruit cluster is conical or cylindrical, weighing 478g on the average. The berry is ellipsoidal, dark purple, weighs 10.8g on the average,and has 13.5%~18% soluble solid content, 0.85%~0.8% acid content, and a delicateflavour. The fruit is similar to that of 'Kyoho' in quality, but ripens 20 days earlier (in early August) in Beijing.It has high resistance to diseases and high productivity.
出处 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第1期102-104,共3页 Acta Horticulturae Sinica
关键词 葡萄 品种 早熟大粒 新品种 New cultivars Early-ripening grapes with large berries
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