
杜鹃属植物区系的研究 被引量:121

摘要 已知世界杜鹃属(Rhododendron)植物约967种(种下分类等级未计算在内)。本文基于植物区系学的观点,讨论了属内8个亚属:常绿杜鹃亚属、杜鹃亚属、马银花亚属、映山红亚属、羊踯躅亚属、云间杜鹃亚属、纯白杜鹃亚属、异蕊杜鹃亚属的系统位置、分布式样。分析了系统发育和地理分布上的时间、空间关系。认为常绿杜鹃亚属和杜鹃亚属是在本属植物起源后的早期阶段就沿不同途径迁徙、繁衍的两个演化枝。白第三纪以来,它们的性状发展多样,种系高度分化。在现存类群中最具原始性状的亚属是常绿杜鹃亚属,这个亚属的云锦杜鹃亚组Subsect.Fortunea,耳叶杜鹃亚组subsect.Auriculata保持较多原始性状。种的分布遍及欧洲、北美洲、亚洲、大洋洲(有1种),东亚种类最多,马来西亚次之。中国-喜马拉雅地区既是多度中心又是多样化中心,马来西亚仅是多度中心。大多数种为地方特有性分布,特有现象十分突出,东亚和马来西亚的特有种共约862种,占种总数的89%以上。中国有6个亚属(Candliiastrum.Mumeazalea不产)约562种,其中特有种约405种。分析第三纪的化石记录,杜鹃属在全球分布的时间、地点,杜鹃属保持原始或? RhodOdendron is a largest genus which is now known at least 967 species in the family Ericaceae in the world andabout 562 species in China(exclude the infraspecific taxa).On the basis of the viewpoint of the florology,the systematic positions and the distributional patternsThis branch project is a part of the great item, namely,The Floristic Study on the Chinese Seed Plants(9390010)sup-ported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. among 8 subgenera (namely,Humenanhes,Rhododendron,Azaleastrum,Tsutsusi, Pentanthera,Therorhodion,Candidastrum,Mumeazalea) are discussed and the relationships be- tween phylogeny and the geographical distribution are analysed. It is can be shown that the ubgenus Hymenanthes and subgenus Rhodendron are two evolutional branches which despersed and multiplied by the different way in early period of the origin of this genus.Ever since the Tertiary perlod,specific characters of this two subgenera has developed highly,therefore the spe- cies diversities,are remarkable,the number of species attains 80% of the world's total.Primitive characters occur in svevral subSections of Hymenanthes, especially in subsect.Fortunea and Auriculata. The distributional regions of species spread widely in Europ,North America and Asia,one species far reaching Qeensland in Australia. Sino-Himalavan is both the centre of abundance and the centre of diversity in this genus,but Malaysia is only a centre of abundance. Most species of the RhodOdendron are local endemic species,the endemism is conspicuous,for example,about 862 endemic species are common in East Asia and MalaYsia,more than 89% ofthe species total. Excluding the subgenera Candidastrum and Mumeazalea there are six subgenera in China,out of aotal 562 species,405 endemic species are found. By analysing the fossil records of thd Tertiary period,the times and areas ofworld wide dis-tributions of the Rhododendrons and the adaptive environments of living primitive taxa, it can be regarded that the southwest to central region of China is quite possible the location of its origin,the ancestral primitive Rhododendrons might to be originated during the Cretaceus to early Tertiary period. The dispersive channels towards the nortli part of Northern Hemisphere,towerds the east,southeast and southwest parts of Asia and towards Australia are discussed.The reasons of for-mation of the modern distributional patterns depended mainly on three aspects,the multiplica- tion and the dispersal of Rhododendrons are restricted in historical development of the times and spaces and are also restricted in the genetic material of taxa themselves and their reaction capaci- ty to cope with changed environments.
出处 《云南植物研究》 CSCD 1995年第4期359-379,共21页 Acta Botanica Yunnanica
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 杜鹃属 植物区系 地理分布 Rhododendron,Flora,Geographical distribution,Phylogeny,Origin and dispersal
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