
福寿螺的生长速度和繁殖力试验 被引量:23

Trails on the Growth Speed and Breeding Potential of Ampullaria gigas Spix
摘要 福寿螺在广州地区1年可发生3代,螺龄为20~80日,每只螺每10天平均增重:一代0.90g,(20.2~27.6℃);二代2.38g,(26.4~30.6℃);三代0.18g,(17.4~25.7℃)。一代每只雌螺平均繁殖幼螺3050.1只,孵化率为70.08%,二代每只雌螺平均繁殖幼螺1068只,孵化率为59.4%,1只雌螺经1年两代共繁殖幼螺32.5万余只,繁殖力极强。 Ampullaria gigas Spix breed three generations a year in Guangzhou. Twenty to eighty dayold snails of different generations increased the average body weight per 10 days was as follows : A snail of first generation incerased 0. 9g under the temperature of 20. 2~27. 6℃ , in second generation, it was 2. 38g each snail under the temperature of 26. 4~30. 6℃, and that third generation increased 0. 18g under 17. 4 ~25. 7℃. The average number of breeding larvae of first generation per female snail was 3050. 1 and 70.08% eggs hatched. In second generation, they were 1068 and 59. 40%, respectively, The total number of breeding larvae of two generations per female snail was 325000 each year.
作者 李承龄
出处 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第4期12-14,共3页 Plant Protection
关键词 福寿螺 生长速度 繁殖力 Ampullariagigas gigas Spix, growth speed, breeding fertility.
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