对53个至少双亲之一患高血压病(EHT)的家庭和25个正常血压(NT)者家庭(包括父、母及一个子女)成员的红细胞(RBC)Na ̄+-Li ̄+逆向转运(SLC)及Na ̄+-K ̄+同向协同转运(SPT)功能,作它们与平均血压(MABP)间的家庭内部相关分析,并计算其多基因累加遗传力(h2),发现:(1)在NT、NT+EHT家庭,RBC的SPT和SLC的双亲均值都和其子女的相应值呈正相关,但配偶间不相关,提示系遗传性传递;(2)SPT和SLC的h ̄2在NT和NT+EHT家庭分别为0.3250、0.4514和0.5770、0.7829,SLC的h ̄2较SPT的大;(3)双亲SLC均值与子女的MABP呈正相关,而SPT则不相关,提出SLC与血压遗传间的联系较SPT密切,可能成为预测EHT的“遗传标记”;(4)SLC与SPT值均存在“母体效应”。
The intra-family study of the correla tions between RBC Na ̄+-Li ̄+ coun-tertransport(SLC),Na ̄+-K ̄+cotransport(SPT)functions and mean arterial blood pressure(MABP)were performed,and the values of polygenic cumulative heritability were derivedin 53 EHT families(at least with one of parents hypertensive)and 25 NT families(includihg father,mother and one son or daughter per family).Results showed:(1)Theaverages of parents of RBC SPT and SLC were a ssociated positively with the values oftheir offsprings,while not with the couples,in NT and NT+EHT pooled familles,snggesting a genetic transmission;(2)The polygenic cumulative heritability values(h ̄2)of SPT were 0.3250,0.5770 in NT and NT + EHT family groups,while of SLC 0.4514and 0.7829 respectively,indicating a higher h ̄2 of SLC than SPT;(3)The averages ofSLC parents were associated positively with the MABP of their offsprings,while not ofSPT,indicating the genetic linkage between SLC and MABP was much closer than SPT,and which might be taken as a “genetic marker”of EHT;(4)There was a “maternaleffect” exhibited in SLC and SPT.
Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology