Kumquat(Fortunella Japonica Swing.)fruits were soaked for l minutein the herbsdecocted liquor, mainly from Alpinia officinarum and Agastache tugosus, and packeted inplastic film bag stored in common room for 100 days. The proportion of good fruit was90.9%, 17.8%higher than that of the control. The effect will be better of the soaked fruitswere deaerated in 0. 05一0. 08 Mpa vacuum for 20 minutes. The sound fruit raised to93.O%, 19.9%higher than that of the control. The content of Vc, soluble solid:, total sug-ar, organic acid of treated fruits were higher than that of the control for 7.7%,7.7%,7.6%and 7.7%respectively. The reypiration rate was reduced. The duration of the freshstorage of fruit,was effectivffly extended;
South China Fruits