84 patients with an ultrasonograpbic and/or patho-logical diagnosis of polypoid lesions of the gallbladder(PLG) were reviewed to determine the reliability ofultrasonograghy in the diagnosis of PLG and the indi-cations for operation in this disease. Of the 288 pa-tients operated on. PLG were demonstrated by thegross appearance of the resected gallbladder in 274.Histologically benign lesions were present in 256 gall-bladders. and malignant lesions in 18. Cholesterolpolyps accounted for most benign PLG. The sensitivityof ultrasonography in detecting PLG was 92. 7 persent. and the specificity of ultrasonography in diagnos-ing PLG was up to 94. 8 per cent. Therefore. ultra-sonography is a high sensitive method for investigatingPLG. and the preoperative diagnosis of PLG has nowbecome entirely dependent on this technique. Indica-tions for surgery for PLG should be: OPLG exceeding1. 0cm in diameter. PLG being single in number. patients with PLG over 50 years of age. andPLG as-sociated with gallstones. Operation should be absolute-ly performed as soon as PLG exceeding 1. 5cm in diam-eter are recognized.
Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery