
甜菜碱性压榨法提糖工艺扩大规模(12吨/日)试验研究 被引量:1

A Pilot Test of Alkaline Pretreat ing and Pressing of Beet Cossettes
摘要 碱性压榨提糖工艺是对现酸预性渗出提糖工艺的重大改革。近年来,轻工业部甜菜糖业科学研究所的科技人员一直致力于此项研究,并且与内蒙扎兰屯糖厂合作于1993/94生产期进行了处理甜菜量12吨/日规模的研究试验。本文报导了部分研究内容及这次试验结果。 The Alkaline pretreating and pressing of beet cossettes is a modified process for the traditional one. In recent years, scientists of Beet Sugar Institute have been working in this field and they made a 12 t/d scale test of alkaline preteating and pressing of bcet cossettes in the campaign 93/94 in close cooperation with Zha Lan Tun Sugar Factory. Some results Of the test will be given in this paper, which haYe di scussed the adyantages and the disadvantages of the new process.
出处 《中国甜菜糖业》 1995年第3期1-8,共8页 China Beet & Sugar
关键词 甜菜丝 碱性预处理 压榨 制糖 试验 甜菜糖 Cossettes Alkaline pretreat ing Press Pulp Dry substance Raw juice
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