Foyty-eight F1cashmere goats(24 bucks and 24 does,average age 20months) were used in tworeplicates to investigated the effects of photoperiod and melatonin administration on cashmere fibre production.The goats were sheared after the natural cashmere growing season and blocked by sex and randomly assigned to one of four environmental chamber,which were maintained at constant temperature(25℃) and humidity (50%),with two chambers programmed for 8 hours of light and the others two for 16 hours of light. three goats in each chamber received a subcutaneous Regulin implant containing 150mg of slow release melatonin, The goats were fed a complete mixed ration and libitum consisting of 15% crude protein and 65% TDN and free acless to water.The results demonstrate that body weight was affect by photoperiod and sex(P<0.05).Total fleece,Cashmere yield(%),cashmere length and diameter were significantly by photoperiod and melatonin.cashmere yield was increased 94% byphotiperiod,and increased 154.8% by melatonin impland.However,guard hair as not effect by treatment.it appears that cashmere production andquality can be influenced by photoperiod and melatonin implant.
Chinese Journal of Animal Science