The application modes of space greening and landscape plants of some open parks,residential gardens and roads of the Pearl River Delta Cities(Guangzhou,Dongguan and Shenzhen) were investigated.The results showed that the main application modes of space greening included scaffolding greening,corridor greening,fence-wall greening,attaching wall greening,column greening,tree trunk greening and cloverleaf junction greening.The main plants applied in the space virescence included Ficus pumila Linn.,Cissus sicyoides'Ovata',Parthenocissus tricuspidata(Sieb.et Zucc.) Planch.,Hedera nepalensis K.Koch var.sinensis(Tobl.) Rehd,Campsis grandiflora(Thunb.) Schum.,Lonicera japonica Thunb.,Quamoclit pennata(Desr.) Bojer.,Pharbitis nil(Linn.) Choisy,Pyroste venusta(Ker-Gawl.) Miers,Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd,Wisteria sinensis(Sims) Sweet,Quisqualia indica Linn.,Scindapsus aureum(Linden et Andre) Bunting,Syngonium podophyllum,Thunbergia grandiflora Roxb.,Callisia repens,Mucuna birdwoodiana and Clerodendrum thomsonae Balf.,but the hanging green plants were few.
Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi