
河北省太行山前平原轮作小麦/玉米化肥施用现状调查与分析 被引量:12

Investigation and Analysis of Fertilizer Application in Wheat/Maize Rotation System in Piedmont Plain of Taihang Mountains of Hebei Province
摘要 通过对河北省太行山前平原轮作小麦/玉米化肥施用现状的调查与分析,揭示该区域轮作小麦/玉米化肥施用中存在的主要问题,以期为轮作小麦/玉米科学施肥、进一步增产及宏观决策提供重要参考依据。2009~2010年选择河北省太行山前平原轮作小麦/玉米高产区的藁城、正定和无极3个典型县(市),根据当地产量水平、土壤肥力、施肥习惯并结合行政区划,对三县(市)34个乡镇308个行政村917名农户轮作小麦/玉米两季粮食产量、化肥品种、养分含量、施肥量、施肥方式进行调查与分析。结果表明:该区域小麦底肥以小麦专用肥和二铵为主(分别占底施化肥品种的73.0%和21.3%),玉米底肥以玉米专用肥为主(占底施化肥品种的92.4%);碳铵和尿素是轮作小麦/玉米的主要追肥品种,分别占小麦追施化肥品种的36.1%和57.6%,占玉米追施化肥品种的26.8%和50.6%。轮作小麦/玉米两季氮、磷、钾养分平均投入量分别为453.0 kg/hm2、152.5 kg/hm2和72.0 kg/hm2,其中平均有53.7%的N、83.4%的P2O5和65.9%的K2O投向小麦。小麦底肥品种(小麦专用肥、二铵)全部采用撒施旋耕方式施肥,玉米专用肥作底肥主要以机播施入或撒施浇水方式施肥,碳铵、尿素和玉米专用肥作追肥时主要以撒施浇水方式施肥。该区域存在部分农户长期、过量施用二铵作底肥,选择小麦专用肥和玉米专用肥具有盲目性,轮作小麦/玉米两季总体氮磷投入偏高、钾投入偏低,氮、磷、钾养分投入普遍存在"重冬轻夏"、化肥施用方式不合理等问题。扭转当地农民不科学的施肥观念,并根据该区域作物产量水平、养分需求特点、土壤肥力状况进行合理施肥,是保障该区域粮食高产、稳产和提高肥料利用率的重要措施。 By the investigation and analysis of fertilizer application in wheat/maize rotation system in the piedmont plain of Taihang Mountain of Hebei Province,the main problems were revealed in order to provide the important reference for the scientific fertilization of wheat/maize rotation system,further yield increase and macroscopic decision.Choosing three typical counties Gaocheng,Zhengding and Wuji in the piedmont plain of Taihang Mountain of Hebei Province,which were the high yield regions in wheat/maize rotation system,the yield of wheat/maize rotation,fertilizer varieties,nutrient content,fertilizer amount and fertilization modes were investigated with 917 farmers from 308 villages in 34 towns,according to the yield levels,soil fertility and fertilization habit.The results showed that the base fertilizers of wheat were mainly of the special fertilizer for wheat and diammonium phosphate,which accounted for 73.0% and 21.3% of the base fertilizers,respectively.The base fertilizer of maize was mainly of the special fertilizer for maize,accounting for 92.4% of the base fertilizers.The ammonium bicarbonate and urea were the main topdressing fertilizers,accounting for 36.1% and 57.6% of wheat topdressing fertilizers,respectively,and accounting for 26.8% and 50.6% of the varieties of maize topdressing fertilizers,respectively.The average input of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium were respectively 453.0kg/hm2,152.5 kg/hm2 and 72.0 kg/hm2 to wheat and maize,those were 53.7%,83.4% and 65.9%,respectively to wheat.The base fertilizers of wheat were broadcast by rotary tillage,the special fertilizer for maize was applied with machine sowing or broadcast with watering.As the topdressing fertilizers,the ammonium bicarbonate,urea and special fertilizer for maize were broadcast with watering.Some farmers applied diammonium phospate as the base fertilizer excessively for a long time,and chose the special fertilizers for wheat and maize blindly.The input of nitrogen and phosphorus was high,that of potassium was low,and that of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium was generally high in winter and low in summer.The application method of fertilizers was unreasonable.Therefore,it was the important method to ensure high yield and stable yield of food and high fertilizer efficiency that changing the idea of unscientific fertilization,and reasonable fertilization according to the crop yield,nutrient requirement characteristics and soil fertility status.
出处 《河北农业科学》 2011年第12期21-27,共7页 Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences
基金 中国农业科学院土壤质量重点开放实验室项目(河北省山前平原土壤肥料高效持续利用的对策研究)
关键词 太行山前平原 轮作 小麦 玉米 化肥 施用现状 调查 Piedmont plain of Taihang Mountain Rotation Wheat Maize Chemical fertilizer Status of fertilization Investigation
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