
TZ-3Y-E粉体的烧结及力学性能实验分析 被引量:8

Study on Sintering Property and Mechanical Property of Nano-powder TZ-3Y-E as Dental Materials.
摘要 目的:对纳米氧化锆TZ-3Y-E粉体的烧结及力学性能进行实验分析。方法:TZ-3Y-E粉体200 MPa等静压成型,于不同温度下烧结,测试烧结体密度并检测其线性收缩,弯曲强度和断裂韧性。结果:随着温度的升高,纳米氧化锆的烧结密度和线性收缩呈上升的趋势,在1 300℃时体积密度达到6.09 g/cm3,最大线性收缩率为21.41%。1 400℃时的机械性能最好,三点弯曲强度和断裂韧性分别为(1 536.37±85.49)MPa,(5.07±1.34)MPa.m1/2。结论:TZ-3Y-E粉体能在低温下烧结,力学性能优良,能够满足口腔全瓷修复材料的要求。 Objective: To study the sintering and mechanical properties of nano - powder TZ - 3 Y - E. Methods: TZ-3Y -E powder was isopressed at 200MPa and sintered at different temperatures. Then it was measured on sintered density, linear shrinkage, flexural strength and fracture toughness. Results: The result of the study indicated that with the rising of temperature, the sintered density and linear shrinkage increased. Sintered density of nano - powder zirconia was 6.09g/ cm^3 at 1300℃. The maximal linear shrinkage was 21.41%. The flexural strength and fracture toughness reached to the maximum value at 1536.37 ± 85.49MPa and 5.07 + 1.34 MPa·ml/2 at 1400℃ respectively. Conclusion: TZ - 3Y - E powder can acquire good mechanical property when it is sintered at low temperature. It is a promising aesthetic all - ceram- ic dental material.
出处 《口腔医学研究》 CAS CSCD 2005年第4期382-384,共3页 Journal of Oral Science Research
基金 上海市科委基金资助项目(编号:03JC14053)
关键词 氧化锆 烧结密度 线性收缩 机械性能 Zirconia Sintered density Linear shrinkage Mechanical property
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