Objective This analysis was designed to understand the epidemic trend of Class A, B and C communicable diseases over the past 11 years in Shaoguan of Guangdong Province and offer a scientific basis for the institution of preventive and control measures. Methods The epidemic data of each type of nofifiable diseases reported within 11 years from 1994 to 2004 in Shaoguan were sorted and analyzed statistically using descriptive epidemiological methods. Results The onset rate of Class A, B and C notifiable communicable diseases in Shaoguan from 1994 to 2004 lied between 202.95/ lakh and 377.48/lakh, with an annual rate of 280.41/lakh on average. Over 11 years, the number of intestinal infectious diseases has been great with not a scintilla of decrease, accounting for 52.67% of the total onsets. The second was infectious diseases in the respiratory tract, accounting for 29.57% of the total, which was raised to the first position among 4 types of infectious diseases in 2004. The majority of infectious diseases included viral hepatitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, diarrhea, infectious diarrhea and gonorrhea. Not until 2004 were there AIDS reported and the onset rate took on an annually rising tendency. Conclusion The focus of work in the prevention and cure of infectious diseases in Shaoguan should be strengthening prophylaxis and monitoring of infectious diseases in intestinal and respiratory tracts.
Disease Surveillance
Communicable disease
Discriptive epidemiological method
Incidence of diseases