
基于Socket的双机仿真系统的研究与开发 被引量:2

Research and Development of Sever/Client Simulation System Based on Socket
摘要 该文介绍了基于Socket的双机仿真系统。该系统利用通用计算机,采用主辅机结构,实现了通用机上的实时仿真;同时利用Socket的造价成本低、编程简单、移植性好等优点,较好地解决了以往基于板卡仿真系统的缺点。系统通过采用现在通用的TCP/IP协议,实现了主辅机间的连接,为系统的进一步的开发和扩展打下了良好的基础。系统在开发完成以后,成功地运用到某武器系统的半实物仿真中,很好地完成了模拟与检验的任务,检验了控制对象的可靠性,验证了控制制导规律的正确性,为武器系统的成功研制做出了重要的贡献。 This paper introduced a simulation system based on the Socket. This system realized the real - time simulation on the general computer. It solved the problem of the former system based on the data card by using the advantages of the Socket such as cheap, programming simply and transplanted easily. This system used the protocol of TCP/IP to connect the system. After it was developed successfully, the system was used in the simulation of a weapon system and completed the mission of simulation successfully. In the simulation it verified the dependability of the object, validated the correctness of the control rule and contributed to the succeed of the weapon system.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 2005年第8期260-262,281,共4页 Computer Simulation
关键词 套接字 服务器/用户 实时仿真 Socket Server/client Real - time simulation
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