

Synthesis of Polyhydrogel NVP-HEMA-KH570 and Study on its Ability of Swelling and Dehydration
摘要 以N,N’-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交联剂,偶氮二异丁氰(AIBN)为引发剂,合成不溶于水的乙烯吡咯烷酮(NVP)/甲基丙烯酸β-羟乙酯(HEMA)/γ-(甲基丙烯酰氧)丙基三甲氧基硅烷(KH-570)共聚水凝胶,研究了PVP水凝胶的平衡溶胀度及脱水性能。结果表明,随着NVP在水凝胶中含量的增大,水凝胶的平衡溶胀度逐渐增大;环境温度升高,KH570、BIS的含量及浸泡溶液的离子浓度增大,水凝胶的平衡溶胀度逐渐减少;在相同的时间内,环境温度越高,水凝胶的脱水率也越大;在同一温度下,HE-MA含量越大,凝胶脱水的速度就越慢,而浸泡的溶液离子浓度越高,脱水率就越大。 In this paper, the N-vinylpyrrolidone (NVP), PVP, and KH-570 are synthesized with crosslinker (N, N' -methylene-bis-acrylamide) and initiator (AIBN). Meanwhile, equilibrium water content (EWC) and dehydration rate are also researched. The result shows that when the content of NVP in the hydrogel increases, EWC increases too. EWC decrease when the environment's temperature, the content of KH-570 and BIS and the solution's ion concentration increase. Also, the higher the temperature of the environment and the ratio of main components, the dehydration of hydrogel is bigger. And also the dehydration is proportional to the concentration of solution that is used to soak the hydrogel.
出处 《合成材料老化与应用》 2005年第3期24-27,共4页 Synthetic Materials Aging and Application
关键词 水凝胶 N-乙烯基吡咯烷酮合成 平衡溶胀度 脱水率 hydrogel, N-vinylpyrrolidone, synthesis, equilibrium water content(EWC), dehydration rate
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