
不同诱导条件对人牙囊细胞合成非胶原蛋白的影响 被引量:2

Effects of different inducinlg conditions on proteins synthesis of human dental follicle cells in vitro
摘要 目的探讨釉基质蛋白(enamelmatrixproteins,EMPs)、骨形成蛋白-(2bonemorphogeneticpro-tein-2,BMP-2)作用下对牙囊细胞合成非胶原蛋白的影响。方法酶消化联合组织块法获得人牙囊细胞,用100mg/L的EMPs、100μg/L的BMP-2对人牙囊细胞进行诱导,显微镜下逐日观察细胞形态变化,并在3d、7d两个不同时间点利用免疫组化方法和图像分析技术检测和分析细胞骨涎蛋白、骨桥蛋白表达的变化。结果100mg/L的EMPs、100μg/L的BMP-2对牙囊细胞均具有上调骨涎蛋白、骨桥蛋白的作用,呈时间依赖性。结论EMPs、BMP-2可使牙囊细胞表型向成骨、成牙骨质样细胞分化。 [Objectives] To observe the effects of Enamel Matrix Proteins and Bone morphogenetic protein-Ton Synthesis of Osteopontin and Bone Sialoprotein by Human dental follicle ceils, [Methods] HDFCs were dissected and cultured by digestion with bacterial collagenase. Cells were exposed to EMPs (100mg/L) and BMP-2 (100 ug/L), The ceils' shape was observed by microscope everyday. Then iInmunohistochemistry and image analyze methods were used to determine the expression of mineral-associated markers. [Results] EMPs(100 mg/L) and BMP-2 (100 ug/L) promoted the ability of synthesis of BSP and OPN of HDFCs in a time-dependent manner. [Conclusions] EMPs and BMP-2 have the ability to induce HDFCs to differentiate toward an osteoblast or cementoblast phenotype.
出处 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第18期2786-2788,2796,共4页 China Journal of Modern Medicine
基金 广东省科技计划项目(C30704)
关键词 牙囊细胞 釉基质蛋白 骨形成蛋白-2 非胶原蛋白 human dental follicle ceils enamel matrix proteins bone morphogenetic protein-2 Non-coUagenous proteins
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