
香菇多糖降血脂作用及其机制的研究 被引量:41

Research of Lentinan's Ettect on Blood Lipid and Its Mechanisms
摘要 目的:根据传统中医“药食同源”的理论,研究香菇多糖(Lentinan,LNT)对高脂血症大鼠的降血脂作用。方法:取雄性SD大鼠30只,随机分正常对照组(灌饲生理盐水)6只,高脂血症模型组24只。模型组随机分为低剂量组(灌饲香菇多糖100mg/kg)、高剂量组(灌饲香菇多糖200mg/kg)、高脂对照组和阳性对照组(灌饲洛伐他汀10mg/kg),每组6只。实验持续60天。分别测定TC、LDL-C、HDL-C及其亚类HDL3-C、HDL2-C和LCAT、LPL、HL酶活性。结果:使用LNT后低剂量组、高剂量组的TC水平明显降低(P<0.05),LDL-C变化不明显(P>0.05),而HDL-C明显升高(P<0.05),尤其是HDL2-C(P<0.05);抗动脉粥样因子HDL-C/TC与HDL-C/LDL-C的比值明显改善(P<0.05)。高脂对照组大鼠LCAT、LPL酶活性明显低于正常对照组(P<0.05),使用LNT后LCAT、LPL酶活性均明显升高(P<0.05)。结论:香菇多糖对高脂血症大鼠有明显的降低血清总胆固醇的作用,该作用可能与LNT能明显增强LCAT、LPL酶活性,提高HDL-C水平(尤其是HDL2-C水平)有关。 Objective: To investigate the effect of lentinan (LNT) on reducing blood lipid of hyperlipidemia rats and its mechanisms according to the traditional Chinese medicine principle called “the same source of medicine and food”. Methods: Male SD strains rats were divided into low dose group, high dose group, hyperlipidemia contrast group, masculine contrast group and normal contrast group respectively. The normal contrast group was fed with normal diet and other 4 group with high-lipid diet. The low dose group and high dose group were fed with lentinan at the dosages of 100mg/kg and 200mg/kg respectively, the masculine group with lovastatin at the dosages of 10mg/kg,and the hyperlipidemia contrast group and normal contrast group were fed with the same volume of NS. The experiment lasted 60 days. The fast blood cholesterol (TC), low-density cholesterol (LDL-C),high-density cholesterol (HDL-C) as well as HDL3-C, HDL2-C and activities of LCAT, LPL and HL were tested. Results: The TC level of low dose group and high dose group were obviously reduced(P〈0.05), the level of HDL-C, HDL2-C as well as two ratios of HDL-C/TC and HDL-C/LDL/C improved (P〈0.05), while level of LDL-C had no signifi- cantly change (P〈0. 05). The activities of LCATadd LPL in hyperlipidemia rats were lower than those in normal rats (P〈0. 05). After using lentinan, theactivities of LCAT add LPL in Hyperlipidemia rats were much improved (P〈0. 05). Conclusion:Lentinan can significantly reduce the blood total cholesterol levels in hyperlipidemia rats. The functionmay be related to improve the activities of LCAT and LPL and increase the level of HDL-C.
出处 《浙江中西医结合杂志》 2005年第10期599-602,共4页 Zhejiang Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
基金 浙江省中医药管理局科研资助项目(NO:2002C061)
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