模式选择与公法规则之于公域之治,犹如一块硬币的两面。国家管理失灵直接推动着由开放的公共管理与广泛的公共参与整合而成的公共治理模式的普遍兴起,这代表着通过分散权力来集中民意的公域之治的发展趋势。本文旨在论证公共治理兴起与公法变革之间具有相辅相成、彼此强化的内在关联性: 一方面,公共治理对公法的依赖性,不仅体现为依靠公法确认一种防止治理失灵的“善治”目标,而且体现为通过公法建构一套由治理范围、治理主体、治理行为和治理监督救济机制共同构成的公共治理行动结构;另一方面,为了适应和顺应公共治理的普遍兴起,我们应当在对公法既有理念、制度与实践加以审视与反思的基础上,确立一种以回应公共治理为导向的公法制度变革模式,通过重塑公法制度基础、调整公法制度结构、修正公法机制来建构一种平衡公法。
For public sphere management, the models and rules can be seen as the two sides of a coin. Government' s failure results in occurrence of the new public governance model, which integrated by the open public management and comprehensive public participation. This paper analysis the inter- conjunction of the emergence of public governance and the reform of public law.It points out that, on the one hand, public governance depends on the public law to set out the objects of “good governance”, and to establish an action structure. On the other hand, in order to adapt to the emergency, we should establish one kind of institutional reform model of public law.
China Legal Science