Crime of Fraud is a crime of property, ff the fraudulent act could not cause others' property losses, it doesn't constitute Crime of Fraud.If the fraudulent act could cause the danger of property losses, however, it doesn't cause actual property losses, it constitutes attempted Fraud (discontinuance).About the estabhshment of “property” losses, we should adopt the compromise theory on basis of the theory of economic property. When the victim gives property on account of illegal reason, there exists a property loss. When the actor defrauds others of remitting an illegal debt, there doesn' t exist a property loss. When the actor gets one' s own property, which the other party illegally occupies, or he realizes legal creditor's rights by using the fraudulent method, there exists a property loss.About the establishment of property “losses”, we should adopt the theory of materially individual property. When the actor both defrauds property and provides balanced consideration, we should establish it causes property losses. When the actor defrauds the usage of handed property and the property accepter, thus he acquires property.We should establish there exists a property loss or not, according to the victim making mistake of the legal interest.
China Legal Science