Objective To evaluate the mental disability and its risk factors related of schizophrenic patients in shaoxing county, Zhengjiang province. Methods All of schizophrenic patients out of epidemiological investigation were assessed with SDSS, SANS, and the related factors were selected. A multi-ordinal-categories Logistic regression model was used to analysis the risk factors for mental disability in schizophrenia. Results The metal disability was negative correlation with family economy, present spiritual condition, family atmosphere, situation of caring. While it was positive correlation with course of disease, SANS marks. The ORs were 1. 499, 3. 105, 2. 499, 4. 693, 0. 469 and 0. 946 respectively. Conclusion More attention should be paid to the factors causing mental disability in schizophrenia and wider measures of prevention and treatment should be taken.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science