
稀土元素Er对Al-5Mg合金铸态组织的影响 被引量:11

Effects of Rare Earth Er on As-Cast Microstructure of Al-Mg Alloy
摘要 采用铸锭冶金法制备了含不同量稀土元素Er的Al-5Mg合金。发现稀土Er可以有效细化Al-Mg铸态晶粒,当Er含量达0.7%时,基本上消除枝晶,且晶粒大小仅为不加Er Al-5Mg合金的1/10。使用硬度测试、金相组织观察、SEM及热分析等方法,研究了稀土元素Er对Al-5Mg合金铸态组织的细化与强化机理。 Al-5Mg alloys with different content of Er addition were prepared by using ingot metallurgy processing. It is found that rare earth Er is effective in refining grain size of as-cast microstructure.When alloy contains 0.7% Er,dendritic structure is almost eliminated, and the grain size is as 7 times large as that in Al-5Mg alloy. With hardness measure, optical microscope, scanning electron microscope and thermo analysis, this paper study the mechanism that rare earth Er refine grain size and improve the strength of as-cast structure
出处 《轻合金加工技术》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第10期19-21,28,共4页 Light Alloy Fabrication Technology
基金 国家"973"重大基础规划研究项目资助课题(G1999064907)
关键词 Al-5Mg合金 铸态组织 稀土元素ER 强化 细化 Al-5Mg alloys As-cast sturcture rare earth Er strengthening refhfing
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