
2,4,6-三甲氧基苯-1-O-D葡萄糖苷的核磁共振谱的理论研究 被引量:4

Theoretical Study on ~1H and ^(13)C-NMR of 2,4,6-trimethoxyphenol-1-O-D-glucopyranoside
摘要 应用规范不变原子轨道GIAO法,分别在HF/6-311+G(2d,p)//B3LYP/6-31G(d)和HF/6-311+G(2d,p)//B3LYP/6-31G(d,p)水平上,计算了从卫茅科南蛇藤属植物苦皮藤中分离鉴定出的2,4,6-三甲氧基苯-1-O-D葡萄糖苷(化合物1)的α和β分子构型的1HNMR和13CNMR的化学位移值,并对理论计算值与实验值的误差进行了统计分析,其中β分子构型的计算值与实验值较为接近,结合α和β分子构型的总能量计算值,预测化合物1分子应择型于β构型,即为2,4,6-三甲氧基苯-1-O-β-D葡萄糖苷,这与根据糖的端基质子化学位移和耦合常数实验值(δH=4.81,J=7.3Hz)推断的结论相吻合,进一步说明理论计算的合理性. The ^1 H and ^13 C-NMR of 2,4,6-trimethoxyphenol-1-O-D-glucopyranoside ( Compound 1 ) isolated from Celastrus angulatus (Celastraceae) was calculated theoretically at the both levels HF/6-311 + G(2d, p)//B3LYP/ 6-31 G(d) and HF/6-311 + G( 2d, p)//B3 LYP/6-31 G( d, p) using the GIAO ( gauge-independent atomic orbital) method. Statistical error analysis for theoretically predicted δH and δc values versus those experimentally observed for compound 1 was discussed. The results show that the theoretically predicted δH and δc values of β conformer of compound 1 are more close to the experimentally observed values than ct conformer, and the β conformer of compound 1 is more stable than at conformer according to molecular energy theoretically calculated. So compound 1 is assigned to be 2, 4, 6-trimethoxyphenol-1-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, which is in good consistence with the conclusion deduced by the anomeric proton signal (δH =4.80, J =7.3 Hz) experimentally observed.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期745-749,共5页 化学物理学报(英文)
基金 ProjectsupportedbyHenanInnovationProjectForUniversityProminentResearchTalents(2004).
关键词 2 4 6-三甲氧基苯-1—O-D葡萄糖苷 核磁共振化学位移 理论计算 2,4,6-trimethoxyphenol-1-O-D-glucopyranoside, ^1H and ^13C-NMR, Calculate theoretically
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