
大学生性别角色观的差异 被引量:31

The Difference of the Notion For Sex Roles among College Students
摘要 运用问卷调查法,结合人格特质词分类法,对140名大学本科新生的性别角色观进行了研究。发现:(1)男女大学生都把勇敢和善良分别放在男女性别角色正价特质的第一位;虚伪和自私分别放在男女性别角色负价特质的第一位。(2)男女大学生在善良是男女性别角色共有正价特质,负责、真诚、稳重和善良是男性角色正价特质,温柔与真诚是女性角色正价特质的重要性认识等方面有显著性的性别差异。在男生认为的男性角色的主要正价特质中女生只认为勇敢、坚强、真诚、稳重、负责是男性角色的主要正价特质。男生更认为温柔是女性角色的正价特质,女生更认为真诚是女性角色的正价特质。(3)男女生都认为势利、自私、虚伪、刻薄、饶舌是女性角色的主要负价特质,但男生把势利是放在女性角色负价特质的第一位,女生把自私放在女性角色负价特质的第一位;男女生都认为势利、自负、自私、粗鲁是男性角色的主要负价特质,但女生比男生更认为自负与懦弱是男性角色的主要负价特质,男生认为势利比自负更是男性角色的主要负价特质。 Employing the questionnaire method and the word-grouping method for personalitical traits, have carried on research to 140 universities of undergraduate course new students'sex role's views. Findings showed that: (1) University students of men and women all place being bravely and kindheartedly on the primary importance of the specialties of positive price of sex roles of men and women ; False selfish to place role, sex of men and women, on shoulder primary importance, price of speciality respectively. (2) Men and women university student in kindhearted to own positive price speciality in common role, sex of men and women, responsible for, it is male role positive price speciality to be sincere calm and steady kindhearted, it is positive price importance person who know respect of speciality, role of women, have gender differences of significance to be gentle and sincere. Girl student think brave strong sincere calm and steady it responsible for to be male main positive price specialitying of role only among male main positive price speciality of role that boy student think. Boy students think gentle positive price speciality, women of role, girl students think sincere positive price speciality, women of role even more even more. (3) Man girl student think snobbish selfish false unkind too talkative women role mainly shoulder the speciality of prices, but the boy student places being snobbish on the primary importance where the women role shoulders the speciality of prices, girl students place being selfish on women role's shouldering the primary importance of the speciality of prices ; It is shouldering the speciality of prices mainly of male role that the man girl students all think it snobbish, conceited, selfish, rough, but girl student think than boy student conceited and cowardly to shoulder price speciality mainly male role even more, boy students think snobbish than mainly shouldering the speciality of prices of male role even more.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期658-664,共7页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 全国教育科学"十五"规划课题资助项目(FBB011047)。
关键词 大学生 性别角色 人格特质 刻板印象 college students, sex-roles, personalitical traits, stereotype
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