

Establishment and comparison of two types rat rapid maxillary expansion model
摘要 目的建立两种大鼠上颌快速扩弓模型,比较选择一种更为适合扩弓实验研究的扩弓动物模型。方法将28只7周龄雄性Wistar大鼠随机分成两组,分别安装“W”型和“∏”型扩弓装置,进行扩弓1周和保持2周,在扩弓结束后和保持结束后分别制作大鼠腭骨脱钙骨切片并光镜观察。结果全部实验步骤已被Wistar大鼠耐受,两组大鼠扩弓保持后可见扩宽的腭中缝处有新形成的骨组织,两组大鼠的腭中缝组织变化相同。结论两种动物模型满足实验研究的需要,但从简单、科学、可重复性等方面比较,“W”型动物模型为首选。 Objective To create two types of rat rapid maxillary expansion model and choose the better one. Methods Twenty-eight Wistar male rats of 7 weeks old were divided into 2 groups. One group was received "W" maxillary expansion appliance,the other group was received "Ⅱ" maxillary expansion appliance. After 1 week expansion, half rats of each group were sacrified and the other half were sacrified after two weeks retention. All the rats were made decalcificated bone sections and observed with a light microscope.Results All the procedures used in this study had been well tolerated by Wistar rats. The new bone tissue was formed in the rat palatal suture tissue after experiment. Conclusion Two maxillary expansion model of rat is available. Based on simplicity sciencie and reproducibility, the "W" maxillary expansion appliance is the first order to choose.
出处 《哈尔滨医科大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第5期420-421,424,共3页 Journal of Harbin Medical University
关键词 上颌快速扩弓 大鼠 动物模型 rapid maxillary expansion rats animal models
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  • 1陈华,陕西省口腔学术论文汇编,1983年
  • 2仝毅,华西医大硕士研究生论文集,1989年
  • 3王邦康,现代口腔医学杂志,1989年,3卷,213页
  • 4楼昭华,临床口腔医学杂志,1988年,4卷,40页
  • 5李玉晶


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