
食管癌后程加速超分割立体定向适形放射治疗临床研究 被引量:2

A Clinical Study on Late Course Accelerated Fractionation Stereotatic Conformal Radiotherapy for Esophageal Carcinoma
摘要 目的评价后程加速超分割立体定向适形放射治疗对食管癌患者的局部病灶控制率和复发率的作用.方法对经病理证实的60例食管鳞癌患者随机分为常规组(30例)和后超适形组(30例).常规组采用3野交叉照射,1.8~2.0 Gy/次,5次/周,总量64.0 Gy;后超适形组先前后对穿照射40.0 Gy/4周,自第4周起,改为后超适形方法,1.5 Gy/次,2次/d,间隔6~8 h,总量24.0 Gy/16次,两组均采用6Mv-X线外照射.结果常规组和后超适形组患者2年复发率分别为50%和21%;1,2年生存率分别为60%,30%和90%,66%,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05).两组局部肿瘤控制率、后期反应间差异无显著性意义(P>0.05).结论后超适形组提高了食管癌患者的生存率,减少了肿瘤的复发率,未加重后期反应. Objective To evaluate the effects of the local control rate and tumor recurrence rate with late course accelerated fraetionation stereotatie eonformal radiotherapy (LCH -3DCRT) for esophageal carcinoma, Methods From Sept, 2001 to Oct, 2003, 60 patients with esophageal carcinoma were randomized into conventional fraction radiation (CFR) group (30 cases) and LCH -3DCRT group (30 cases), All patients were squamous cell carcinoma, Patients of CFR group received DT 64.0 Gy, 1.8 - 2.0 Gy/per fraction, 5 clays per week by a three - port technique. Patients of LCH - 3DCRT group received DT 40, 0 Gy, 1, 8 - 2.0 Gy/per fraction, 5 days per week through AP - PA portals at first. From the fourth week, they received DT 24. 0 Gy/ 16 fractions, at 1. 5 Gy twice a clay with 6 to 8 hours interval. Results The local control rates were 87% in CFR group and 97% in LCH - 3DCRT group. The 2 - year recurrence rates were 50% in CFR group and 21% in LCH - 3DCRT group ( P 〈 0.05 ). The 1, 2 - year survival rates were 60% , 30% in CFR group and 90% , 66% in LCH - 3DCRT group P 〈0.05). There was no significant difference between the two groups about late clinical radiotherapy symptoms. Conclusion LCH -3DCRT is able to improve the survival rate of patients with esophageal carcinoma, reduce the recurrence rate and without increasing late radiotherapy symptoms.
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 2005年第19期1584-1585,共2页 Chinese General Practice
关键词 食管肿瘤 后程加速超分割立体定向适形放射治疗 Esophageal neoplasm Late course accelerated fractionation stereotatic conformal radiotherapy
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