
VoIP市场观察 被引量:1

VoIP Market Watch
摘要 经过几年的发展,VoIP技术体系、市场应用模式已渐渐成熟。从2004年开始,全球VoIP市场已处于蓄势待发阶段。VoIP的市场应用逐渐向宽带电话及与其他数据应用捆绑的方式发展。在此基础上,传统的语音服务已不再是单纯由电信服务商提供的服务内容。电信业与其他产业特别是IT服务业的界限变得越来越模糊。个人住宅用户及商业用户对VoIP应用的需求是不尽相同的,这里既包括更低廉的价格,也包括融合的应用服务。分析了VoIP市场最近的发展,并展望其未来的走向。 With several years' development, the business application modes and technical architecture of VoIP have gradually matured. Since 2004, global VoIP market has stepped into sustainable growth and its applications have graduany, turned to broadband telephone and the bundling modes with other data applications. On this basis, voice service is no longer supplied only by telecom carners. Convergence between telecom industry, and other industries especially IT services, is happening. Residential and commercial customers will have different requirements for not only lower cost but also bundling services. This paper analyzes the recent developmeaxt of VoIP market and gives art expectation on its future.
出处 《现代电信科技》 2005年第9期53-56,共4页 Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications
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