
影响绵羊、山羊超数排卵及胚胎移植效果因素分析 被引量:15

Factors on superovulation and embryo transfer efficiency in goat and sheep
摘要 在生产条件下,对3个优良品种的127只绵羊(道塞特47只、萨福克49只、杜泊31只)和111只波尔山羊供体使用不同国别生产的促卵泡素(FSH)实施超数排卵处理,然后对1 231只小尾寒羊和奶山羊受体实施不同方法的胚胎移植,旨在筛选出切合于生产实际成本低、效率高的超数排卵和胚胎移植方案。实验结果表明,使用新西兰产FSH对波尔山羊超数排卵后平均获得可用胚胎14枚/只,显著高于澳大利亚产FSH效果(平均7.59枚/只)(P<0.05),而中国科学院产FSH的超排效果(平均10.38枚/只)与新西兰产无显著性差异(P>0.05);进一步采用中国科学院产和新西兰产FSH分别对道塞特、萨福克和杜泊3个品种绵羊实施超数排卵结果,获得平均可用胚胎数均无显著性差异(P>0.05);使用腹腔内窥镜法和常规手术法胚胎移植结果表明,移植妊娠率分别为57.44%和60.20%,2种方法间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。由于中国科学院产FSH价格便宜,而腹腔内窥镜法胚胎移植可大大缩短操作时间,两者结合可降低成本、提高效率,适宜羊胚胎移植产业化应用。 To screen out an optimal protocol with low-cost and high-efficiency for superovulation and embryo transfer (ET) in the commercial application, 127 sheep of Dorset, Suffolk and Dorper breeds and 111 Boer goats were superovultated with different FSH made in different countries and the obtained embryos were transferred into 1 231 Small Tail Han sheep and milk goats with different methods (surgically or by laparoscope) under production conditions n. The resuits demonstrated that the mean number of viable embryos per Boer goat superovulated by FSH made in New Zealand (n = 14) was higher (P〈0.05 than that by FSH made in Australia (n = 7.59); the superovulatory response in Boer goats treated with FSH made in China Academy of Science (CAS) and FSH made in New Zealand was similar (P 〉 0.05); the mean numbers of viable embryos from sheep of different breeds superovulated by the same FSH or shhep of the same breed superovulated by different FSH (made by CAS or in New Zealand) showed no significante difference (P 〉0.05); and no significant differece (P 〉0.05) was observed in the pregnancy rates of embryos transferred surgically and by laparoscope (57.44% vs 60.20% ). In conclusion, the combination of superovulation with FSH (made in CAS) and ET by laparoscope could be suitable for sheep and goat ET industrialization in terms of low cost and high efficiency.
出处 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期58-61,共4页 Journal of China Agricultural University
基金 科技部农业科技成果转化资金资助项目(03EFN211300026) 北京市科委重点项目(H022020060420)
关键词 绵羊 山羊 超数排卵 胚胎移植 妊娠率 sheep goat superovulation embryo transfer pregnancy rate
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