
中国的农村经济与通向现代工业国之路 被引量:50

China’s Rural Economy and the Path to a Modern Industrial State
摘要 在考察中国农村经济与通向现代化工业道路问题时,我们集中分析了在经济转型过程中的三个重要指标:农业生产力、产品市场和土地租赁市场。我们的分析表明,中国的农业研发体系能够为农业生产力增长提供先进的技术,并成为增加农业收入的重要途径;地区内和地区间商品市场的一体化程度都在迅速提高;虽然土地租赁市场规模不大,但它也在崛起。这些结果说明,中国向现代化迈进过程中具有良好的发展环境。 In examining China's rural economy and the path to modernization, we focus our works on three of the important development indicators: agricultural productivity, commodity and land rental markets. China's agricultural R&D system is capable of generating technologies and technology-driven growth has become one of the main means of raising the returns in agriculture. Commodity markets are becoming remarkably integrated within and across regions. Although the emergence of land markets has been fairly recent, in the past decade they have begun to develop fairly quickly. These results imply that China is making strong progress in generating sustained growth environment in the oath to modernization.
出处 《经济学(季刊)》 2005年第4期1019-1042,共24页 China Economic Quarterly
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