
骨折类型对掌骨骨折钢板内固定术后骨愈合的影响 被引量:8

Influence of fracture pattern on fracture healing after metacarpal plate fixation
摘要 [目的]评价掌骨骨折类型、患者职业与骨折愈合的相关性。[方法]回顾性分析了104例掌骨关节外骨折,评价指标为愈合时间和愈合的并发症。与评价指标相关的因素为:骨折类型(横形骨折/非横形骨折)、患者类别、软组织损伤情况和钢板类型。[结果]12例患者发生了骨折愈合问题:横形骨折组8例,非横形骨折组4例,横形骨折比非横形骨折更易发生愈合困难(P=0.01)。两种骨折类型的患者中,手工劳动者比非手工劳动者更易发生骨折愈合的问题(P<0.01)。优势手骨折、软组织损伤和钢板的类别与骨折愈合问题没有相关性。[结论]掌骨骨折的愈合与骨折类型、患者职业有相关性。 [Objective] To evaluate the correlation among fracture patterns, patients'profession and consolidation problems of metacarpal fractures.[Method] Retrospective study on 104 extra-articular metacarpal fractures was carried out. The union period and presence of consolidation problems were correlated with fracture pattern ( transverse/non-transverse) ,presence of soft tissue injury, patients'profession and type of plate.[ Result] Twelve patients were found have experienced consolidations problems, in whom 8 patients were, within the transverse fracture pattern group and 4 patients were within the non-transverse fracture group. The difference was significant (P = 0.01 ). Manual workers were found to be more likely than non-manual workers to have consolidation problems ( P 〈 0.01 ) in both groups. There was no correlation between consolidation problems and hand dominance, soft tissue injury or type of plate. [ Conclusion] There was a significant correlation between fracture patterns, patients profession and consolidation problems.
出处 《中国矫形外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第20期1532-1534,共3页 Orthopedic Journal of China
关键词 掌骨 骨折类型 愈合 钢板 掌骨骨折 骨愈合 内固定术后 横形骨折 软组织损伤 骨折愈合 Metacarpal Fracture pattern Fracture healing Plate
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