
科学文化与人文文化交融——兼论全面素质教育 被引量:57

The Trend of Interfusion Between Humanities and Science
摘要 人类社会的历史实质上是一部文化史,时代的必然趋势是人文文化与科学文化的交融;人文文化是“为人之本”,科学文化是“立世之基”,前者主要为后者导向,后者主要为前者奠基;文化蕴涵的四个方面的内容,科学文化与人文文化同源、共生、互通、不可分割,对其形而下的基层与形而上的顶层而言,则完全一致,而在知识这一中层,两者互异,但是“你中有我,我中有你”,相交互补;两者相互交融,在人生追求、知识、思维、方法、相互关系与身心健康诸方面,有利于提高人的素质;文化蕴涵的四个方面也必须交融;学习、思考与实践三方面应紧密结合,有利于实现两者的交融,以实现创新与发展。 The Humanity Culture helps person to grow to maturity and the Science Culture gives person ability to make a success of work. Both of them have the same resource of human social practice, although they are different in many respects. For developing Full-scale Quality Education in school, college and university, to improve the developing quality of student in whole, it is essential condition to pay great importance to the interfusion of the two kinds of cultures and integrate both of them into the school curriculum.
作者 杨叔子
机构地区 中国科学院
出处 《国家教育行政学院学报》 2005年第10期10-13,共4页 Journal of National Academy of Education Administration
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