
河南老湾金矿床稀土元素地球化学对成矿物质来源的示踪 被引量:10

Rare Earth Element Geochemical Characteristics of Laowan Gold Deposit in Henan Province: Trace to Source of Ore-Forming Materials
摘要 采用ICP-MS方法测定了河南桐柏老湾金矿床成矿期主成矿阶段石英和黄铁矿的稀土元素组成,以及老湾花岗岩中石英的稀土元素组成,并结合矿床矿石、老湾花岗岩和赋矿围岩全岩的稀土元素组成的对比研究,以期示踪成矿物质来源。分析结果显示,矿床石英和黄铁矿的稀土元素平均总量为13.39×10-6,花岗岩中的石英为6.68×10-6,显著低于矿床矿石、花岗岩和围岩全岩,而矿床石英和黄铁矿的δEu,δCe,轻重稀土分异程度以及稀土元素配分模型都与花岗岩中的石英非常相似,显著不同于赋矿围岩。矿床相关地质体的稀土元素特征表明,成矿流体主要源自老湾花岗岩浆分异的岩浆流体,而非变质流体。 The compositions of REE in quartz and pyrite from main mineralized stage of the Laowan gold deposit in Henan province and that of quartz from Laowan granite were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass-Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The REE of deposit ore of the Laowan gold deposit, wall-rock and Laowan granite also were studied to trace the source of metallogenic materials in Laowan gold deposit in detail. The range of ∑REE in quartz and pyrite from gold deposit is 4.18 ×10^-6 - 30.91 ×10^-6, average of 13.39×10^-6, 6.68 ×10^-6 of the Laowan granite quartz, obviously lower to REE concentration of deposit, granite and wall-rock. The value of (La/ Yb)N and (La/Sm)N of ore minerals from the gold de-posit is 13.23 and 4.17 respectively. The differences in REE parameters, such as δEu, δCe and diffusion degree in REE from light to heavy, among deposit ore minerals and granite mineral are weak. Especially, there are no differences between the chondrite-normalised REE curves of minerals from gold deposit and those of quartzs in Laowan granite, no similarity to wall-rock', which shows that ore-forming hydrothermal fluid mainly came from magma fluid resulting from the Laowan granite magma, metamorphic fluid in few. The results also show that REE characteristics of ore minerals in deposit are effective for disclosing oreforming fluid quality comparing with deposit ore'REE compositions.
出处 《中国稀土学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期636-640,共5页 Journal of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40472052) 合肥工业大学科学研究发展基金项目(040703F) 安徽省高校青年教师科研项目(2005jq1023)资助
关键词 老湾金矿床 稀土元素地球化学 成矿物质来源 成矿流体 laowan gold deposit REE geochemisitry source of ore-forming material ore-forming fluid
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