
喀斯特枯水、干旱、灾害初探——以贵州省为例 被引量:14

Preliminary study on karst low-flow,drought and disaster——A case study in Guizhou Province
摘要 由于喀斯特流域独特的水文地质条件,其枯水、干旱、灾害三者之间的联系和影响也较非喀斯特的地区不同,以贵州省为例,从喀斯特水文地貌学的角度,系统定义了喀斯特枯水、喀斯特干旱、喀斯特灾害的概念,并分析喀斯特流域枯水、干旱、灾害发生的时间、地区,进而探寻它们之间的关系,即彼此增强的正反馈关系,为贵州防旱防灾及经济发展可持续发展提供一定的理论基础。 Because of the unique hydrological and geological conditions in karst drain areas, the relationship and the impact among karst low-flow, karst drought and karst disaster are different from these in the non-karst areas. From the angle of hydro-geography and landform in the karst areas, this paper, with a special reference to Guizhou Province, systematically defines the concepts of karst low-flow, karst drought and karst disaster, and analyzes their occurrent time and region in karst drain areas, then explores their interrelationships, in order to provide certain theories for anti-drought, disaster prevention and economic development in Guizhou.
出处 《贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2005年第4期28-33,共6页 Journal of Guizhou Normal University:Natural Sciences
基金 贵州省优秀青年科技人才培养计划资助项目[黔科合人字(2003)0315] 贵州省优秀科技教育人才省长专项资金项目[2003年度] 喀斯特枯水资源承载力演化特征[校青科2003]
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